#sid jordan
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picturebookshelf · 2 months ago
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Little Puff (1973)
Story: Margaret Hillert -- Art: Sid Jordan
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letterboxd-loggd · 1 year ago
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The Johnstown Flood (1926) Irving Cummings
December 16th 2023
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yen-sids-tournament · 2 months ago
Quotable Disney Round 1 Group 4 Poll 7/8
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***Please vote on the content of the quote not the format of the picture***
It is completely non-sequitur (it was actually improvised by the voice actor) and then boom cut to him doing exactly that lmaoooooo it is so random i love it
Dont stay in the past and let failures drag you down, there is the future to keep trying. It represents the whole message of the movie
All Our Polls
Full Quotes Below:
"What do you want me to do? Dress in drag and do the hula?"
~Timon, The Lion King (1994)
"Keep moving forward!"
~Lewis, Meet the Robinsons (2007)
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eagc1995 · 1 month ago
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Patreon Rewards for Jacen C. Silva
(Patreon Reward) Carol Rides Horse
(Patreon Reward) Girl Jordan rides Reindeer
(Patreon Reward) Ronnie Anne Santiago and Sid Chang
(Patreon Reward) Stella rides bull
If you would like to support my work, feel free to support me on either Patreon: www.patreon.com/eagc1995 Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/X8X0WRTV
Shoutout to my Patreon supporters: Esteban Felix, Christopher Mason, Sam Fimple, Mattthiamore, Amazingangus76, Robert Grgic, Andrew Stutt, Jacen C. Silva, wildstar27, Alonso Lupercio, Coolmann2400, PowerRCP-G3, AdudDeeEx
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splooosh · 1 year ago
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“Crisis Between”
Mike Sekowsky - Sid Greene
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cantsayidont · 1 year ago
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June 1968. Aside from its striking Gil Kane cover (I love the cityscape), this issue of GREEN LANTERN is pretty close to being an Alan Scott solo adventure, set largely on Earth-2.
Which raises a point: With the renewed interest in Alan Scott coinciding with the JSA revival, Alan being outed, and the ghoulish Tim Sheridan miniseries, it's frustrating that DC hasn't taken that as a cue to collect some of Alan's past adventures beyond the smattering reprinted elsewhere (some of which are long out of print). A sampling of his Golden Age adventures, such as the early appearances of now-familiar villains like Vandal Savage, Solomon Grundy, and the Harlequin would be nice, but there are also some Silver Age and later adventures that would be worth reprinting, including his Silver Age team-ups with Hal Jordan (GREEN LANTERN #40, #45, #52, and #61), a brief solo strip in the late '70s (GREEN LANTERN #108–110), and the team-up with Hal and Oliver Queen in GREEN LANTERN #111–112 that was the first attempt to really address the connection between Alan and the Green Lantern Corps. If one wanted to present a complete bio, the INFINITY INC. Annual that explained his relationships with the Thorn (who's the mother of his kids) and Molly Maynne would be appropriate, and he had a charming solo strip in eight issues of GREEN LANTERN QUARTERLY in the early '90s that was torpedoed by "Emerald Twilight." Only bits and pieces of that stuff have been previously reprinted, and collecting it would provide a nice foundation for whatever dumb nonsense Geoff Johns and Tim Sheridan are now trying to scaffold onto it.
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loud-warriors-au · 9 months ago
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happy pride month. heres some lesbians
1st pic: laurelwing (lori)/cindertail (carol)
2nd pic: lichenpaw (lisa)/dawnpaw (darcy), sid/night glider (nikki), morningclaw (mollie)/rainpaw (rachel)
3rd pic: jaypaw (girl jordan)/starpaw (stella)
4th pic: minnowleap (margo)/plumpaw (paula)
5th pic: night glider/rowanpaw (ronnie anne)
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universepines7102 · 2 years ago
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The girls group are hugging Lincoln in the front of the Loud House, and his sisters watch them from the window.
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redjacketficrecs · 2 years ago
Recommendation: Series doesn’t have a summary and copying on of the fic ones doesn’t really work so: a/b/o ‘verse where some of them are actually werewolves. The worldbuilding in this is great and detailed and gets more complex as you go. Starts of as a Kane/Toews fic but tbh I didn’t read those until I had to rec it. They’re fine if you can divorce yourself entirely from…them, ugh, sorry, not a fan. BUT you totally don’t actually need to read those fics. I would say all of the fics stand on their own or within the pairing series (Seguin/Benn is a three parter and the season two parts don’t work without the first). All the fics rely on miscommunication or lack of communication as part of the plot but they’re a great mixture of angst, sex and a happy ending imo. And again, the world building is interesting and pretty great. My fav fics were the Seguin/Benn, Strome/Debrincat, Crosby/Malkin and Marner/Matthews fics AND there’s a Mcdavid/Tkachuk/Draisaitl fic that’s being updated right now that’s very promising so far! Because this series is still being updated eight years in which tbh is impressive as fuck.
Warnings: a/b/o and how that can be inherently problematic consent wise, mpreg, homophobia
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toddistyping · 1 year ago
Did I ever tell y’all the oilers were the first team I liked?
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askfacultystaff · 2 years ago
Picrew Pictures.
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Rama and Ramayana in their suits
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Fem. Principal before her accident
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Boy Jordan enjoying watermelon
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Rama: So, who i shall kill you first? McNosebleeder? Or Rest of my enemies? 😏💢
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Sid Chang before she became goth
Sid Chang: It's so nice to meet you, (your name)! Wanna be friends? 😀
For @neko-sufis-world.
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Neko-Sufi in Principal's sweater ^v^
(Isn't she's adorable in this sweater? Such a innocent girl OVO)
Stellar Galaxy AU
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Ramayana Raid with Leon Loud on motorcycle
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Sid Chang and Adelaide Chang on motorcycle
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Neko! Ramayana
Neko! Ramayana: No, i don't afraid of cucumbers, bestie! What are you talking about? ^v^
Animal AU
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Cat! NekoPrinci sleeping together
Cat! Principal: Sweet dreams, darling.
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fearsmagazine · 2 years ago
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SYNOPSIS:  “Les Hackel hates his life. He works a dead-end job, was just dumped by his high-maintenance girlfriend, and still lives with his nagging mom. One night, he discovers a fresh incision behind his neck. His friend Danny tells him it's a bomb, that someone has implanted one in his neck, too. And then the messages start coming in, forcing Les to carry out missions with deadly results. Les is partnered up with a series of oddball characters to commit heinous tasks. The violence escalating around him, Les pieces together the clues that reveal the horrific plans to breed a monstrous race of beings.”
REVIEW: Evan Marlowe’s screenplay is a nice blend of satire, science fiction and political commentary. His main character, Les Hackel is an amalgamation of J.D. Sallainger, William S. Burroughs and Hunter Thompson character who suffers from more contemporary issues.
Marlowe’s screenplay takes a classic 50’s/60’s science fiction tale and adds a bit of Lynch and Cronenberg to it, then takes it to another level with amazing life-size puppet designs that give the film a surreal and trippy feel. Enhancing all that is a fantastic vocal cast that brings these performances to life and at times allows you to forget you are watching puppets. As Hackel’s life begins to spiral out of control he contours bizarre characters that he is accepting of, unlike Dorothy in the land of Oz. Marlowe keeps Hackel grounded and easily accepting of the deadly tasks he is assigned without questioning them. When the police become involved they are aware and accepting of everything Hackel has done, but there is something lurking in his past that they are trying to get him to admit to. Marlowe seizes and engages the viewer’s attention with this wickedly delightful tale that ultimately pulls back the curtain in the final act to expose the story’s dark secret. For all its freakish elements the story builds tension and suspense to culminate in a shocking release.
With 30 credits to his name, features and shorts, the production values of the film showcase Marlowe’s talent as a director, cinematographer and editor. He obtains performances from both his voice actors and puppeteers that bring these characters to life.  I enjoyed their work as there was such a life quality to their performance, yet there was something reminiscent of the human puppets of the Jim Henson studio. Given the grotesqueness of several of the character designs, the film is still beautiful to look at. There are several scenes that are almost monologues, or where characters discuss social or philosophical issues, and the director magically edits the sequences creating energy and a nice pacing. The film took several years to complete. While he did not have to worry about his puppets aging, the film’s execution and look are cohesive and seamless. The gory special effects are intense and very lifelike, and reminded me of some of the early films of Peter Jackson. The score by Patrick Savage and Holeg Spies adds another level to the film as it accentuates the visuals, the action, and adds another dimension to Hackel.
ABRUPTIO features a first-rate cast of actors voicing these characters. Rather than going with performances that are caricatures, they create characters that have peculiar ticks that flown through the puppet designs to enchant the viewer. Some of the actors are clearly recognizable, a few become apparent when viewing the credits.  Actor Sid Haig voices Sal in one of his final film appearances.
ABRUPTIO is currently doing the festival circuit, and while I highly recommend seeing it in a theater, if there is a streaming opportunity don’t pass it up. Evan Marlowe delivers a mad-cap genre classic full of dark humor and gore. It is a ride not soon forgotten. Marlowe is a talented visionary and I am excited to see what he serves up next.
CAST (voices): James Marsters, Hana Mae Lee, Jordan Peele, Christopher McDonald, Robert Englund, Darren Darnborough, Rich Fulcher and Sid Haig. CREW: Director/Screenplay/Cinematographer/Editor - Evan Marlowe; Producers - Kerry Finlayson & Kerry Marlowe; Score - Patrick Savage & Holeg Spies; Lead Puppet Designer & Fabricator - Jeffrey S. Farley; Lead Puppeteer - Danny Montooth; Visual Effects Designer - John Sellings. OFFICIAL: www.abruptio.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/AbruptioFilm TWITTER: N.A. TRAILER: https://youtu.be/MUGGBqrYL1A RELEASE DATE: Pending, a selection at numerous film festivals
**Until we can all head back into the theaters our “COVID Reel Value” will be similar to how you rate a film on digital platforms - 👍 (Like), 👌 (It’s just okay),  or 👎 (Dislike)
Reviewed by Joseph B Mauceri
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annieqattheperipheral · 1 year ago
click thru^ and read the entire article. its wondrous😌
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During the last practice in Pittsburgh before the holiday break, Sidney Crosby brought cookies to the rink along with, of course, some banana bread – “his mom’s famous recipe,” Marcus Pettersson said with a grin. “He’s got a little addiction,” Kris Letang added.
Crosby bakes for the group periodically throughout the season, one of many thoughtful gestures the Penguins captain makes for his teammates – impressive from anyone, much less someone of his stature. During this season of giving, Pettersson and Rickard Rakell had been marveling at the captain’s generous nature that very day.
“Me and Raks were actually just joking around about how good he is with giving gifts,” Pettersson said. “I don't know if he has a thought behind it about when he retires, that he is expecting a lot of gifts back from everybody (laughs). But I don't think so. I think he’s just a great guy.”
Crosby goes above and beyond to mark occasions for the people around him, whether it’s a holiday, a career achievement, or simply a memorable experience. His capacity to do all of that, in addition to continuing to be an elite talent at age 36 and an unparalleled leader, is remarkable.
Evgeni Malkin, Crosby’s fellow franchise center and teammate for nearly two decades, said, “It’s almost like he’s the perfect player, perfect friend. Some guys win just one Stanley Cup, they think they’re like a god, you know? But Sid, never. You see everybody wants to play here, first of all, it’s because of Sid.”
Letang joked that he wasn’t going to use the word perfect, “because there’s nothing perfect,” he laughed. “But he always makes sure everybody is taken care of, and they’re having a good time. He loves to get to know people. For me, what he did for my dad last year… the banana bread stuff… it’s just a way of looking at things, you never want to leave some people behind. There’s not a specific gesture that comes to mind, because it’s such a daily thing for him.”
Tyson Barrie, was touched by something the captain did for his agent, Bayne Pettinger, who had previously worked for Team Canada. Pettinger had been sitting with Crosby at another one of those BioSteel camps, which was in Montreal. At the time, Pettinger had recently come out as gay and mentioned in passing to Crosby how he thought the Pride warmup jerseys were so cool.
“Bayner FaceTimed me a couple months later, almost in tears,” Barrie said. “The concierge at his condo called him and was like hey, there’s a big package here for you, can you come down and grab it? Turns out Sid had gotten a Pride jersey framed for Bayner. He wrote, ‘Bayner, proud of you.’ That’s the kind of guy he is. You'll never hear about any of this stuff. He's just always doing stuff under the radar. He’s just a special guy.”
merry christmas! here’s a sweet little story about canadian hockey star sidney crosby
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madewithonerib · 21 days ago
Death of a Squid Traumatizes Anthony Bourdain: Renzy
Rage, self-disgust, sadness driving him towards a near mental beakdown; quite the range of emotion, an honest look into the proper reaction to seeing something die if this life is all there is.. what is it about this guy? Why does he haunt us? Was it bc he was so raw about things & didn't try to masquerade as s/t he wasn't..
I mean look at some of the things he went on record saying:
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"You can always tell when a person has worked in a restaurant. There's an empathy that can only be cultivated by those who've stood between a hungry mouth and a $28 pork chop, a special understanding of the way a bunch of motley misfits can be a family. Service industry work develops the "soft skills" recruiters talk about on LinkedIn—discipline, promptness, the ability to absorb criticism, and most important, how to read people like a book. The work is thankless and fun and messy, and the world would be a kinder place if more people tried it. With all due respect to my former professors, I've long believed I gained more knowledge in kitchens, bars, and dining rooms than any college could even hold." —Anthony Bourdain
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Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scumbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. Witness what Henry did in Cambodia – the fruits of his genius for statesmanship – and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević. —Anthony Bourdain, who is probably smiling down from Heaven on Henry Kissinger’s cold, dead body
Kissinger is also associated with controversial U.S. policies including its bombing of Cambodia, involvement in the 1973 Chilean coup d'état, support for Argentina's military junta in its Dirty War, support for Indonesia in its invasion of East Timor, and support for Pakistan during the Bangladesh Liberation War and Bangladesh genocide. Post-invasion Escalation in Cambodia During the rest of the year, the Freedom Deal area of operations was expanded three times. Transcripts of telephone conversations reveal by December 1970 Nixon’s dissatisfaction with the success of the bombings prompted him to order they be stepped up.“They have got to go in there and I mean really go in,” he told Henry Kissinger. “I want them to hit everything. I want them to use the big planes, the small planes, everything they can that will help out there, and let’s start giving them a little shock.” Kissinger then relayed Nixon’s order, saying, “A massive bombing campaign in Cambodia. Anything that flies on anything that moves.” The President was inspired to reckless escalation by his belief in the “madman theory.” The madman theory is a political theory commonly associated with the foreign policy of U.S. President Richard Nixon and his administration, who tried to make the leaders of hostile Communist Bloc countries think Nixon was irrational and volatile so that they would avoid provoking the U.S. in fear of an unpredictable response. Considered by many American scholars to have been an effective secretary of state, Kissinger was also accused by critics of war crimes for the civilian death toll of the policies he pursued and for his role in facilitating U.S. support for authoritarian regimes.
2025-02-14: Did you know that octopus die when giving birth to 100K babies? | Jordan Peterson
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freshthoughts2020 · 1 month ago
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thenerdsofcolor · 4 months ago
Talking Passion, Pride, and Promise with the Nominees of the 2024 Micheaux Film Festival
The Micheaux Film Festival, named after revolutionary African American filmmaker Oscar Micheaux, geared up for its sixth annual celebration from Monday, October 21 to Sunday, October 27, 2024. Continue reading Talking Passion, Pride, and Promise with the Nominees of the 2024 Micheaux Film Festival
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